Accounting Firm in Fukuoka

We support your business by providing Accounting service

Growing city Fukuoka

We support you in Fukuoka, Kyusyu

Certified Public Accountant in Fukuoka

Supported by online with local CPA office members in Fukuoka

What we aim for

Our mission is to support cross-border activities and contribute to economic activities by providing professional accounting and tax services in Fukuoka.

In the rapid change of the world, our intention is to provide flexible services that can meet such expected role to the fullest extent in Fukuoka.

With your Business

To offer comprehensive services to meet the varying needs of our clients and transactions

Fukuoka Professionals, ready to meet your needs

MIYAGAWA CPA OFFICE provides accounting, tax, advisory, bookkeeping, asset valuation etc.

Contact us

If you have any question, Please feel free to contact us.